updated 13-11 00:50 software = WEEWX
Last hour Current Low High Average
Temperature 6.9 °C 6.6 °C 7.0 °C 6.8 °C
Heat index N/A °C N/A °C N/A °C N/A °C
Rel. humidity 93 % 92 % 93 % 93 %
Wind speed. N/A Km/u   N/A Km/u N/A Km/u
Wind gust. N/A Km/u   N/A Km/u N/A Km/u
Wind direction N/A Grd     N/A Grd
bar. pressur 1035.2 Hpa 1035.2 Hpa 1035.5 Hpa 1035.3 Hpa
Rain last hour 24 hour Today This year
  0 mm 0.5 mm 0 mm 807.5 mm
Today current Low High average
Temperature 6.9 °C 6.6 °C 7.1 °C 6.8 °C
Heat index N/A °C N/A °C N/A °C N/A °C
Rel. humidity 93 % 92 % 93 % 93 %
Wind speed. N/A Km/u   N/A Km/u N/A Km/u
Wind gust. N/A Km/u   N/A Km/u N/A Km/u
Wind direction N/A Grd     N/A Grd
bar. pressur 1035.2 Hpa 1035.1 Hpa 1035.5 Hpa 1035.3 Hpa
Dewpoint 5.8 °C 5.5 °C 5.9 °C 5.8 °C
weather is mostly cloudy   the view is = 15 KM
Below an overview of temperature and precipitation of the past 12 months
Extremes Th value The date
Extr temp H 38.0 °C 06-09-23 18:38:22
Extr temp L -6.5 °C 11-01-24 07:30:20
Heat ind. H 43.9 °C 13-08-24 16:28:36
heat ind. L -6.5 °C 11-01-24 07:30:20
1 hour rain 28.6 mm 20-06-23 18:46:40
24 hour rain 40.8 mm 06-08-23 11:55:00