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Here is the current weather in De Laar, Arnhem in the Netherlands
The background of this page shows the current situation
It is is half-cloudy Visibility is 15 KM
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2023 was a year with extreem weather. We have e.g. had several storms, but June had a record number of hours of sunshine. 2023 will go in the books as a warm year. That while we measured several frost days at the end of November and beginning of December. June and September were real summer months. The months of March, August, October, November and December did all record more than 100 mm of precipitation. I recorded In total 1138 mm of precipitation in 2023. That is realy a lot and more than 300 mm more than that may be expected.

2023 has therefore been a warm year and will be included in the list of 2014, 2020, 2022 from 1900 onwards. The number of hours of sunshine has been in the top 8 since 1900. But in terms of precipitation, 2023 is a number one, maybe 2nd since 1900.

All time extremes  
Strongest wind gust 71 Km/u op 02-11-23 15:56:53
Temp. H 38.0 °C op 06-09-23 18:38:22
Temp. L -6.5 °C op 11-01-24 07:30:20
heatin. H 42.3 °C op 08-09-23 18:13:09
windch. L  -11.6 °C op 09-01-24 09:15:33
rain 24 hour  40.8 mm op 06-08-23 11:55:00
total rain 313.7 mm  

These are the highest and lowest measured temperatures and the millimeters of precipitation per month of the last 12 months.
If this overview is difficult to read due to a low resolution click on the image
Click here for an overview of several years

Here in addition to the sun and moon rise and set times + the phase of the moon and daylight on earth.

The meters are written in PHP and if Java scripting is allowed, they are updated every 2 minutes.
With the thermo- and barometer, the left scale is the highest and lowest measured value today.
You can click on the instruments to see graphs by day, week, month and year.
With the hygro and global heat meters, the green hands are the average of the last hour The markers on the outside are the minimum. and maximum. values of today
The global radiation is currently still a calculated one, which means that cloud cover is not taken into account
In the future, another pyran meter will be built that will replace this data with measured values

Sun rises at 06:17:31 Sunset at 20:52:21
The Sun is at its highest point 13:34:22
The day length is 14 uren 34 minuten and 49 seconden
The moon rises 23:09:12 and sets again at 06:31:53
The moon is at its highest poin 13:34:22
moon phase 98%
New moon is 08-05-24 05:21:52
Full moon 23-05-24 15:53:05

the image above is from Fourmilab Switzerland The image is current when you open this page or refresh it